
Showing posts from December, 2022

Discovered A Huge 3500-year-old Mysterious Tomb Containing Mummies And Thousands of Artifacts - Just Paranormal

Egyptian archaeologists in Luxor have discovered a massive ancient tomb in the city’s west bank area dating back to the 18th Dynasty. The 3,500-year-old tomb contains thousands of valuable artifacts, as well as ten coғғιɴs and eight mummies. Valuable Artifacts and Mummies Antiquities Minister Khaled al-Anany declared yesterday the discovery of a cemetery in Luxor that contains numerous coғғιɴs, eight Pharaonic mummies, Ushabti statues, and luxurious masks decorated with gold. The archaeologists dis covered the cemetery during an archaeological mission on Luxor’s west bank and named it “Camp 157”. The tomb dates back to the 18th Dynasty and it belonged to a city adviser named Osarhat, as Mostafa al-Waziry’s (Director General of Luxor Antiquities) told Egypt Independent. ‘’There are 10 coғғιɴs and eight mummies. The excavation is ongoing,” he says. For his part, Antiquities Minister Khaled el-Enany focused on the discovery of the artifacts included in the ...

Sharp Footage Of Real Ufos With Aliens – This Is The Anti-Gravity Force Field In Action

Most people have no idea what they are seeing. I’m not sure what alien species we’re dealing with here, but it could be the Grays from the Zeta star systems. This is the antigravity force field in action; the electric field motor can be heard turning. When the field rpm reached a certain level, Gray applied a DC voltage charge to the tubular capacitors above the rotating Thorus field. The higher the tension, the faster the takeoff! On takeoff, a small explosion of plasma from the aircraft carrier can be observed. In an antigravity force field, charged plasma ionized air is suspended. In our atmosphere, these incredible craft can fly at speeds of up to 30,000 miles per hour. The grays were possibly aware that they had been noticed and weren’t sure how we, as primitive creatures, would respond. We are delusional if we believe that Earth is the only world in the Universe with life. Not only are we not alone, but several alien species are currentl...

Mysterious Alien Warrior Captured By Curiosities On Mars (Video)

One of the strangest discoveries ever made on Mars is an object that bears a striking resemblance to an alien warrior. The strange object was located in front of the Curiosity spacecraft when the rover photographed it. It looks like the alien soldier is ready to attack at any moment. Or maybe he’s just curious if the rover is “friend or foe”… Skeptics believe that the object is nothing more than a pile of stones piled on top of each other. Others claim that it is a statue that was built in the past in memory of one of their rulers or a God they worshipped. Paranormal Crucible enthusiasts are using the original photo, which they slightly processed with an editing program, to demonstrate how well the “soldier” fits into the familiar image of a Gray alien. The opinions of the experts are different… Some believe that the photo shows an alien creature, while others are not so convinced and think that the object is just a...

A Strange Cubic Cloud Was Filmed In England (Video)

British resident Megan Combs recently visited the Surrey Wildlife Trust reserve in Surrey with her children and witnessed something very strange. When Megan and her children arrive at a place called the Devil’s Punch Bowl, she sees a white cloud in the sky with an extremely unusual shape. The cloud looks like it was stuffed into a square shape and then placed in the sky. Meghan posted a video and photo of the cube cloud on her Facebook page. A friend of hers wrote that she would never have believed it was real if Megan hadn’t shown her the video. Meghan admits: “Even I’m not sure I believe it, but I’ve seen it myself!” Megan’s post garnered a lot of comments, with some speculating that it was a UFO in disguise or a bug in the Matrix. Others think it’s just a play of light and shadow.Странное-облако-куб-в-Англии.mp4 Source: https://thefoxposts.c...