Discovered A Huge 3500-year-old Mysterious Tomb Containing Mummies And Thousands of Artifacts - Just Paranormal
Egyptian archaeologists in Luxor have discovered a massive ancient tomb in the city’s west bank area dating back to the 18th Dynasty. The 3,500-year-old tomb contains thousands of valuable artifacts, as well as ten coғғιɴs and eight mummies. Valuable Artifacts and Mummies Antiquities Minister Khaled al-Anany declared yesterday the discovery of a cemetery in Luxor that contains numerous coғғιɴs, eight Pharaonic mummies, Ushabti statues, and luxurious masks decorated with gold. The archaeologists dis covered the cemetery during an archaeological mission on Luxor’s west bank and named it “Camp 157”. The tomb dates back to the 18th Dynasty and it belonged to a city adviser named Osarhat, as Mostafa al-Waziry’s (Director General of Luxor Antiquities) told Egypt Independent. ‘’There are 10 coғғιɴs and eight mummies. The excavation is ongoing,” he says. For his part, Antiquities Minister Khaled el-Enany focused on the discovery of the artifacts included in the ...